Meeting with Olivier Vergeynst, Director of the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT. How can we reduce the environmental footprint of our digital uses? We …
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Allies agree new NATO Integrated Cyber Defence Centre
NATO Allies agreed to establish a new centre to better protect against ever more sophisticated cyber threats. The Centre will be based at NATO’s strategic …
Continuer la lectureHow can drones influence global security?
In its latest Blog post*, ID2Move by CAP Innove looks at the impact of drones on global security. We spoke to Emilien Watelet, Director …
Continuer la lectureLa technologie au service du sport de haut niveau
A la veille de l’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, nous sommes allés à la rencontre de Frederik Broché, Directeur Technique de Belgian …
Continuer la lectureBelgium establishes a new center of excellence focused on developing a C4ISR system
Thales is to set up a new competence center in Tubize (Belgium) for the development of a C4ISR* system enabling the entire chain of …
Continuer la lectureThe VKI, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, a flagship for research and teaching with a worldwide scientific reputation!
On 26 November, The Institute organised an open day at its Rhode-Saint-Genèse site on the surroundings of Brussels, giving Gate.31 to discover a site …
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