Exquando: a Belgian success story signed by Marc Ansoult

The story started with a construction project at Brussels Airport. To cope with the constant increase in air traffic, the Brussels International Airport Company (BIAC) decided in 1997 to build a brand new 125,000 m2 terminal (the « Pier A » project).

This construction involved more than 80 engineering and construction companies: companies operating with different working methods, in different languages and with some 110,000 documents including 27,000 plans to exchange!

Under the supervision of Marc Ansoult, a secure intranet was developed. This contains all the technical data for the new terminal. « Thanks to this system, the community working on the Pier A project (design offices, architects, companies and BIAC) was being informed 24 hours a day of what was happening on the site and had access to up-to-date information at all times, » Marc Ansoult.

His involvement in the management of colossal construction sites kicked off a career entirely devoted to information systems. 

After having dealt with information management from an IT perspective, Marc Ansoult took a closer look at the human aspects of information management and created the company « Exquando », which he affectionately nicknamed « The Content Professionals« .

As the company will soon celebrate its 15th anniversary, Exquando just announced, on May 2nd, the acquisition of FacOrg, a company active in enterprise architecture. A combination of expertise that guarantees good development prospects for the Exquando teams. The adventure does not seem about to stop!

Images © Exquando