Its expertise? The acquisition and processing of high precision aerial data.
« We operate aircraft equipped with lidars, RGB Nadir and oblique cameras, IR thermal cameras, etc. to cover a wide range of missions. This equipment allows us to provide georeferenced data.
« The applications for our customers are as multiple as they are varied. As an example, during the floods that hit Belgium in July 2021, we were contacted by Infrabel* to deliver, within 24 hours, 200 kilometers of aerial photos of the Belgian railway network, » declares Benjamin de Broqueville, President of Stratos Solution.
Specialized in large-scale missions, i.e. coverage in one day of areas up to 12,000 hectares, Stratos Solution has progressively become a reference in aerial data collection and processing. New players have turned to the start-up for its skills and responsiveness. Among them, TUC Rail and IGN.
« During major crises, Stratos Solution must be able to respond to a client’s request within two hours. Once the mission is launched, we have 24 hours to retrieve the data, analyze them and send them to the client in the appropriate format. This requires reactivity and this is precisely one of Stratos Solution’s strengths, » explains Alexandre Simonis, Stratos Solution Project Manager.
* Infrabel, manager of the Belgian railway infrastructure