Belgium is teeming with innovative companies and Safran Aero Boosters proves it once again…

By building a compressor blades plant for aero engines! “There are hundreds of blades in the compressor. They are a key component in our supply chain. Managing their production in both technical and logistical terms will consolidate the autonomy of our supply chain and our performance” © François Lepot, CEO Safran Aero Boosters. 

Safran Baldes will produce titanium compressor blades, including those required for the LEAP engine. The 10,000-square-meter center of excellence will be located in Marchin (Province of Liege, BE) and produce more than 2,000 blades a day, with innovative, autonomous real-time quality control at every critical stage of production. It will be operational in 2025.

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Images: © Belgianspotter (Airbus aircraft) © Safran (Safran Aero Boosters)

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